Airport Property Partnership, a 50-50 joint venture between SEGRO and Aviva Investors.
IFRS profit/EPS excluding capital and other one-off items. It is the measure that is used internally to assess the Group’s income performance. See notes 2 and 11(i) to the condensed financial statements for details of these adjustments.
The completed investment and trading properties and the Group’s share of joint ventures’ completed investment and trading properties.
The Group’s current programme of developments authorised or in the course of construction at the balance sheet date, together with potential schemes not yet commenced on land owned or controlled by the Group.
The European Public Real Estate Association, a real estate industry body, which has issued Best Practices Recommendations in order to provide consistency and transparency in real estate reporting across Europe.
Costs still to be expended on a development or redevelopment to practical completion, including attributable interest.
The estimated annual market rental value of lettable space as determined biannually by the Group’s valuers. This will normally be different from the rent being paid.
Net borrowings divided by total shareholders’ equity excluding intangible assets and deferred tax provision.
Contracted rental income recognised in the period, in the income statement, including surrender premiums and interest receivable on finance leases. Lease incentives, initial costs and any contracted future rental increases are amortised on a straight line basis over the lease term.
Completed land and buildings held for rental income return and / or capital appreciation.
Investment Property Databank is a provider of real estate performance and risk analysis.
An entity in which the Group holds an interest and which is jointly controlled by the Group and one or more partners under a contractual arrangement whereby decisions on financial and operating policies essential to the operation, performance and financial position of the venture require each partner’s consent.
Net borrowings divided by the carrying value of total property assets (investment, owner occupied and trading properties). This is measured either on a look-through basis (including joint ventures at share) or wholly owned (which excludes joint ventures).
The internal rate of return from an investment property, based on the value of the property assuming the current passing rent reverts to ERV and assuming the property becomes fully occupied over time.
Annualised current passing rent less non-recoverable property expenses such as empty rates, divided by the property valuation plus notional purchasers’ costs. This is in accordance with EPRA’s Best Practices Recommendations.
Gross Rental Income less ground rents paid, net service charge expenses and property operating expens
Net Equivalent Yield assuming rent is received quarterly in advance.
The annual rental income currently receivable on a property as at the balance sheet date (which may be more or less than the ERV). Excludes rental income where a rent free period is in operation. Excludes service charge income (which is netted off against service charge expenses).
A lease signed with an occupier prior to completion of a development.
A qualifying entity which has elected to be treated as a Real Estate Investment Trust for tax purposes. In the UK, such entities must be listed on a recognised stock exchange, must be predominantly engaged in property investment activities and must meet certain ongoing qualifications. SEGRO plc and its UK subsidiaries elected for REIT status with effect from 1 January 2007.
See Passing Rent.
The difference between in place contracted rents and current market rent, which we expect to be able to capture at the next lease event
SEGRO European Logistics Partnership, a 50-50 joint venture between SEGRO and Public Sector Pension Investment Board (PSP Investments).
Where a development has commenced prior to a lease agreement being signed in relation to that development
The conversion factor used, where appropriate, is 1 square metre = 10.7639 square feet.
Rental income lost due to lease expiry, exercise of break option, surrender or insolvency.
Net initial yield adjusted to include notional rent in respect of let properties which are subject to a rent free period at the valuation date. This is in accordance with EPRA’s Best Practices Recommendations.
A measure of the ungeared return for the portfolio and is calculated as the change in capital value, less any capital expenditure incurred, plus net income, expressed as a percentage of capital employed over the period concerned, as calculated by IPD and excluding land.
Property being developed for sale or one which is being held for sale after development is complete.
Yield on cost is the expected gross yield based on the estimated current market rental value (ERV) of the developments when fully let, divided by the book value of the developments at the earlier of commencement of the development or the balance sheet date plus future development costs and estimated finance costs to completion.